For the next page, Chameleon Aconitum, [[chameleon|click here.]] For the previous page, Bible Studies, [[bible_studies|click here.]] To jump to the start and the index, [[start|click here.]] **More FCA Photos:** To get a larger and/or zoomable version of one of these photos, click or tap on the photo. In the bottom row below, Ray is the first youth on the left, Mark Culton is 3rd from the left, and Adam Culton is last on the right. The photo below shows a pep rally prior to a major game. Grades from 6th to 12th might be rep(shy)re(shy)sent(shy)ed here. The photo below shows the FCA yearbook staff circa 1998-1999. In the top row, we have Mary Beth Varner, Kyle Phipps, Ron Baker, Troy Eckhart, Kim Huskey, and Dave Hargrove. In the bottom row, it's Vic Elias and Stacie Bumeder. For the next page, Chameleon Aconitum, [[chameleon|click here.]] For the previous page, Bible Studies, [[bible_studies|click here.]] To jump to the start and the index, [[start|click here.]]