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 For the next page, Foreword, [[foreword|click here.]] For the next page, Foreword, [[foreword|click here.]]
 Note: The introduction is below the table of contents. Scroll down. Note: The introduction is below the table of contents. Scroll down.
-<WRAP round box justify> 
-**New Developments** 
-October 03, 2021: 
-It's been a lively few days. Every item listed below except for 
-the August voice(shy)mail inci(shy)dent was added or came up 
-sub(shy)se(shy)quent to Marie's camp(shy)fire joke on 
-Sep(shy)tem(shy)ber 25. 
-Sometimes a dam has cracks in it and it's 
-best not to take a hammer to it. Marie's joke was a hammer. 
-<WRAP round box justify> 
-1) An implied threat has been relay(shy)ed to the book editor. The threat 
-neces(shy)si(shy)tates, and creates legi(shy)ti(shy)mate and 
-reason(shy)able pur(shy)poses for, the fol(shy)low(shy)ing new web(shy)site: 
-The new site is one of the editor's sites. It's par(shy)allel to but separ(shy)ate from the Over(shy)comers site. 
-<WRAP round box justify> 
-2) We've added more of the Ray Gustafson sexual inci(shy)dents. To 
-read about them, click on [[early_ray|this link]] and scroll down. 
-Warning: Some of the incidents are both grim and 
-The story "Sucking on Ray Gustafson's hose" might be seen by some 
-as simi(shy)lar to humor(shy)ous scenes from the "American Pie" movies. 
-It should be noted that Jake wasn't a willing par(shy)tici(shy)pant. 
-The quasi-rape inci(shy)dents are more serious. This wasn't an 
-ideal situ(shy)a(shy)tion. 
-<WRAP round box justify> 
-3) Jake has written more direct(shy)ly now about physical abuse. To read that page, click on [[childhood|this link.]] 
-Note: That page expands on the sub-theme of how abuse is 
-pos(shy)si(shy)ble and even common. 
-<WRAP round box justify> 
-4) On August 25, 2021, 
-Chameleon Aconitum left a threatening voicemail for Jake Gustafson. To listen to the voicemail and to read the PDF response and reflections on the project, click on 
-[[site_reflections|this link.]] 
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
start.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/19 14:49 by poikilos