FCA People Welcome!
FCA Reunion and My Book
Jake Gustafson says:
I attended Faith Christian Academy, FCA, from age 5 to 18 plus daycare at age 3. So, it was a big part of my life.
Looking back, it was grey and not pleasant in general. It wasn't just that the rules were strict. The atmosphere was impersonal and unforgiving. The slightest infraction was recorded and some teachers kept permanent records.
Even for the youngest children, there wasn't much in the way of a nurturing environment.
Some teachers made efforts to be positive and I did make friends. I look forward to discussing the parts that people may remember with happiness.
I'd also like to find out how my perceptions differ from those of others. Was FCA different for you and did the difference figure into the trajectory of your life?
I hope to talk with some of you a bit even after the reunion. I'm working on a book and would like input. It isn't about FCA though FCA is part of the background.
I've like to write about subjects such as positive Church communities, faith, and things to look out for in relationships.
I'll talk frankly about personal subjects as well. If there are things that you're curious about, there will be stories about me and names you might remember.
You're invited to help me to get the Church parts of the story right and to comment on topics of interest.
I've just gotten started this Summer but you can read a few sections now, if you like. To do so, click here.