Chameleon Statement

This document discusses this project's disclosure of Camille McDonald's identity.

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On August 25, 2021, Chameleon Aconitum left a threat­en­ing voice­mail for Jake Gustafson. To lis­ten to the voice­mail, click on the MP3 link below. A small audio player should pop up. Press the Play button:

Chameleon MP3 Voicemail Link

To read the response to the voicemail, click on the PDF link below. You should see a PDF doc­u­ment or be prompt­ed to down­load it.

Chameleon PDF Response Link

The PDF includes a possible Fall 2021 street address for Chameleon. Points that have been raised by read­ers related to the post­ing of the street address are dis­cus­sed in the Q&A sections further down.

On September 03, 2021, Chameleon follow­ed up the voice­mail with a haras­sing text mes­sage.

The voicemail, the PDF, and the text mes­sage have led to renewed dis­cus­sion of the FCA Over­comers pro­ject. This document addresses ques­tions that read­ers have raised and offers re­la­ted thoughts.

Introducing Camilleon:

The woman in the voicemail is Camille Mattiola aka Camille Capaldo aka Camille McDonald.

Jake thinks that Camille's birth surname is Mattiola. The Capaldo sur­name seems to be a non-legal alias. McDonald is a mar­ried (actually, divorced) sur­name. She seems to be using the Capaldo and McDonald sur­names for most pur­poses.

Camille Capaldo aka Camille McDonald is the person that the book re­fer­red to pre­vious­ly as Chame­leon Aconitum.

Continue to Chameleon Q & A or go back to the Afterword.