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Looking for the Right Church:
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The next set of pages, numbered 5.1+, discusses Baptist Churches and Church-affiliated schools in the 1990s.
BC = Baptist Church. 1BC = First Baptist Church. KJV = King James version.
Looking for the right church:
Ray and I grew up in Bucks County in South-East PA. Fundamentalist Baptist Churches were prevalent in the area.
Ray and I went to the same K-12 school, FCA, all the way through. Ray was class of 1996 and I was class of 2000.
FCA was owned and operated, at the time, by a church named Faith BC. Subsequent to 2005, FCA became independent of Faith BC and switched to non-denominational.
For most of my childhood and Ray's youth, we attended church with our mother. She favored KJV-only churches. We tried several of those and eventually settled on 1BC of Easton. Our father usually didn't attend.
For an explanation of KJV-only Churches, click here.
I turned 13 in 1995. At this point, our mother decided that Ray and I could try Faith BC.
One factor was that Ray was now 17 and could drive us there. Ray, additionally, liked the idea of a church that was less strict.
Subsequently, we moved on from Faith BC to 1BC Perkasie. One factor in the 2nd move was that 1BC Perkasie was less strict than Faith BC and so even less strict that 1BC Easton.
In particular, 1BC Perkasie allowed guitars, Christian Rock, and Contemporary Christian Music.
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